Around the same time, I was weighing the option of getting a second tattoo on my arm and the two ideas interchanged in my mind beautifully. I began researching traditional Japanese art that I really enjoyed looking at (after all Mike, this is going to be on you, forever). Koi fishes stood out most to me, mainly because of how they are drawn, and they symbolism behind them.
According to Eastern Asian traditions, a Koi fish swims upstream, against the tides of the Yellow River, onto Dragon Gate. If it succeeds in doing so, it becomes a Dragon. I thought of getting a Koi fish swimming upstream, symbolizing the determination to reach great achievements in my life.Looking at a fish by itself swimming upstream as a symbolic meaning to my life is beautiful to me, but as an artist, I knew I could maybe add either more elements of eye popping traditional art, or some more symbolic elements. Why not have my cake and eat it to and do both?
Cherry Blossoms and lotus flowers are also elements of Japanese art and happen to be a favorite of mine. Cherry blossom flowers tend to be a little smaller, so the idea was to symbolize my family by getting 5 Cherry Blossom flowers (3 children, 2 parents) surrounding the Koi fish's journey to success....we could all use support from loved ones to help get anywhere in life. Lastly was a Lotus flower that I dedicated to my Opa, that I shared a strong relationship with before he passed away.
So, idea in my mind, I took it to an amazing artist named Jimbo at Lark Tattoo to put my ideas into a beautiful piece of artwork that would last forever. In the end, I could not have asked for anything more. The result was dead on to what I imagined, and I am happy to own this piece of art and wear it every day:
Inner arm. Tattoo done by Jimbo, Lark Tattoo.
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